Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Before I complain . . .

I have been a waitress for about five years now. For the most part, I love it. My favorite part is how close you become with your coworkers. I have been working with the same people for years, and I am very happy that they are a part of my life. No matter were you work you will always come across some bad eggs, but for the most part it becomes a bonding experience. You work together for sometimes ten hours at a time (especially major holidays such as Valentine's Day or Mother's Day), and afterward you just want to hang out together, grab a drink and talk about the funny or not so funny things that happened to you during your shift.
Its also a fast paced job. Once in a while you get overwhelmed and yell at someone, but when the restaurant calms down you apologize. Usually the other person understands because they've done it too. Since it's late and everyone you know already has plans and is out, you make plans together. One thing you have to keep in mine though is you are not going out if you didn't make any money. That's the other thing I like about being a waitress, money in hand!!!
Also, something crazy is always happening. Fire alarm going off causing a firetruck or two to come along with ten firefighters when it was just steam. Black outs are always an interesting experience, people get free meals that way because they can't pay. People under the influence can either be challenging or funny, either way it's a story.

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